The vurcon.com Internet Website is owned and managed by FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL, whose data for the purposes of compliance with the obligations contained in article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (“LSSI”), are the following:
Registered office: C/ Nicolás de Bussi, 44, 03203 Elche (Alicante) Spain
Registration data in the Commercial Registry of Alicante, Volume 2938, Folio 77 and Sheet A-92532
Tax identification code number: B-54013032
Email address: comunicacion@ferrotall.com


These are the general conditions (hereinafter “general conditions”) that regulate access, navigation and use of the website under the domain “vurcon.com” (hereinafter, Website), as well as the responsibilities derived from the use of its contents (hereinafter understood as “contents” the texts, graphics, drawings, designs, codes, software, photographs, music, videos, sounds, databases, images, expressions and information, as well as any other creation protected by national laws and international treaties on intellectual and industrial property). Regardless of them, FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL may establish particular conditions that regulate the use and/or contracting of specific services offered to Users through the Website.

1.- User

The use of this Website attributes to you the status of user thereof and expresses your full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the General Conditions published by FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL, at the very moment in which you access. the Website, without prejudice to the acceptance of the particular conditions that may apply. Any use other than that authorized is expressly prohibited, leaving FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL, empowered to deny or withdraw access and use of the Website, at any time, and without prior notice, to those users who fail to comply with these general conditions or the particular conditions that, where applicable, may be applicable.

2.- Modifications

FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL, reserves the right to modify, unilaterally, at any time and without prior notice these conditions, as well as the presentation, location and configuration of the Website. In these cases, it will be published and notified as far in advance as possible.

3.- Information offered through the Web: access and use.

3.1.- Through this Website, FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL provides information about the company and its services. The data contained on the Website is provided to the User for informational purposes only and, in no case, can it be considered a binding offer from FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL to provide any service.
3.2.- Access, navigation and use of the Website is the responsibility of the User, so the User undertakes to diligently observe any additional instructions given by FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL regarding the use of the Website and its contents. Likewise, we ask that you notify FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL of any fact of which you are aware that involves conduct contrary to law or violates the rights of any third party.
3.3.- Access and use of the Website is free of charge for Users and does not require prior registration. However, access and use of certain information and services offered through the Website in certain cases could only be done after user registration.
3.4.- When it is necessary for the User to register or provide personal data to be able to access any of the services, the collection and processing of the Users' personal data will apply to the provisions of the Privacy Policy included on the Site. Web.
3.5.- If in order to use and/or contract a service on the Website, the User must proceed to register, he or she will be responsible for providing truthful and lawful information. If, as a result of registration, the User is provided with a password, the User undertakes to use it diligently and keep the password secret to access these services. Consequently, Users are responsible for the proper custody and confidentiality of any identifiers and/or passwords provided by FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL, and undertake not to transfer their use to third parties, whether temporary or permanent, or to allow access to outsiders. The User will be responsible for the use of the services by any illegitimate third party who uses a password for this purpose due to non-diligent use or loss of the same by the User. It is the User's obligation to immediately notify FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL of any fact that allows the improper use of identifiers and/or passwords, such as theft, loss, or unauthorized access to them, in order to proceed to its immediate cancellation. As long as such facts are not communicated, FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL will be exempt from any liability that may arise from the improper use of identifiers or passwords by unauthorized third parties.
3.6.- FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL reserves the right to restrict, suspend, prohibit or cancel at any time the access and/or use of all or part of the Website and to all or certain users, without prior notice being necessary. . In particular, FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL may temporarily suspend the services and contents of the Website to carry out maintenance operations and improve them. The User declares to know and accept this fact and, consequently, waives any claim against FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL for any damage or loss that may be caused for this reason.
3.7.- Those Users who wish to establish a hyperlink, link or link between their website and the Website (the “Link”) must obtain prior authorization from FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL by submitting a request to the following email address comunicacion@ferrotall.com All third party links to this Website must be to its main page. The User will be liable to FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL or to third parties, for any damages that may be caused as a result of failure to comply with said obligations.

4.- Use restrictions

4.1.- The User undertakes to use the contents diligently, correctly and lawfully.
4.2.- The User undertakes to make use of the information or data, of any nature and format, and/or any of the services that may be offered on the Website at any time (the “Contents”) in the following way :
a) You are not authorized to reproduce or copy, distribute, modify, assign or publicly communicate the information contained on the Website, unless you have the authorization of the owner of the corresponding rights or it is legally permitted.
b) You are not authorized to use the information contained on the Website for direct sales purposes or for any other type of commercial purpose.
c) You are not authorized to delete, evade, or manipulate the data identifying the rights of FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL, as well as the technical protection devices such as, for example, fingerprints.
d) You are not authorized to disassemble, decompile or reverse the databases in which the information on the Web is stored.
e) You are not authorized, as a result of the use of the Website, to carry out acts of “spamming” for any purpose to a plurality of people without their prior request or consent, nor to send any other unsolicited or previously consented messages to a person. plurality of people or chains of unsolicited or previously consented electronic messages, nor use distribution lists that can be accessed through the Web.
f) You may not carry out activities that may be considered illegal, immoral or contrary to public order.
g) You will not use the Contents or features included on the Website to carry out activities that may damage the image of FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL.

5.- Industrial and Intellectual Property Rights. Ownership of the contents.

5.1.- The creations and works offered on the Web (among others, the following protected elements: texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, computer programs, Web pages, links, sound and audiovisual content, their graphic design and source codes, as well as any trademarks, domain names and other distinctive signs and, in general, any type of work, creation or expression – or a combination of these – included on the Website or used to identify it or to identify parts of it ) are subject to intellectual and/or industrial property rights owned by FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL. Said company is responsible for the exclusive exercise of the exploitation rights of the aforementioned intellectual property, in any form and, in particular, the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation. FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL does not transfer in whole or in part, nor does it grant any license or authorization over these rights to users of the Web.
5.2.- Likewise, FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL guarantees that the contents, including those of intellectual property, are not illegal or infringe current regulations. FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL will adopt the legal measures it deems appropriate to prevent any type of conduct contrary to the Law or morality.
5.3.- Through these Terms and Conditions, FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL only authorizes the User to view, download and print the Protected Elements owned by FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL, as long as the User uses them for exclusive uses. personal data, agreeing not to carry out, directly or indirectly, any commercial exploitation of them or use them for any purpose that is not expressly provided for in these Terms and Conditions.
5.4.- The use by the User of those Protected Elements owned by third parties will be subject to those conditions that, where appropriate, said third parties may establish and that the User is obliged to know.
5.5.- Any violation of the provisions of this section will be considered a violation of the intellectual property rights owned by FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL, giving rise to the responsibilities legally established for this purpose and said action may be pursued through administrative actions. , civil or criminal that may apply.

6.- Legality and correctness of the Contents included on the Website

FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL does not guarantee nor is it responsible for any inaccuracy and/or lack of correction and/or lack of updating of the contents of the Website. The responsibility of FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL with respect to the content and information offered by Internet sites to which they direct hyperlinks included on the Web, as well as those Contents from or coming from third parties that are hosted on the Web, will be governed by the provisions in articles 16 and 17 of the Information Society Services Law, Law 34/2002. FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL is not responsible nor does it guarantee that access to the Contents and other parts of the Website is legal from outside Spain. Access to the Website from a country other than Spain must be carried out in accordance with the regulations applicable in the territory from which the User accesses the Website.

7.- Exclusion of guarantees and responsibilities

7.1.- FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL will only be liable for its own services and content directly originated by it and conveniently identified as industrial and intellectual property of FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL.
7.2.- FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL will not be liable for:
7.2.1.- Damages and losses that may arise from the provision or offer of products or services by third parties or entities through the Website, and in particular those derived from:
to. Failure to comply with the law, morality and public order, or the use of the products and/or services offered in a non-diligent or incorrect manner, or for illicit purposes or effects or contrary to what is established in these General Conditions or in the conditions that, where appropriate, are applicable.
b. The infringement of industrial and intellectual property rights or business or professional secrets. The commission of acts of unfair competition or illegal advertising.
c. The infringement of the rights to honor, personal and family privacy and the image of people, and those related to the protection of children and youth. The performance of acts of a pornographic nature.
d. The illegality or lack of veracity, accuracy, reliability, relevance, timeliness and completeness of the contents and information transmitted or made available to users, including the information and services provided by third parties or by users through the Website.
and. Non-compliance or defective compliance or termination for any reason of the contracts made with third parties for the provision of services through the Web.
F. The incapacity of any User or the impersonation of a third party carried out by the User.
7.2.2.- Damage to honor, privacy or any other or insults or offenses caused to a User in the case of information included on the Website by any other User since, in accordance with the provisions of the Terms and Conditions, Web users are obliged not to enter information that may be considered illegal, immoral or contrary to public order.
7.2.3.- Damages and losses that may arise from the knowledge that unauthorized third parties may have of the type, conditions, characteristics and circumstances of access and use that Users make of the Website and the information and services, as well as the breach by Users of their obligations in relation to personal data.
7.2.4.- Damages of any nature that may be due to the existence of errors in the access or use of the Website or its services or content, even if you undertake to avoid them, updating or correcting said content.
7.2.5.- Damages of any kind that may be due to the information contained in the links that appear on your Website.
7.2.6.- Damages of any kind that may be due to the existence of viruses in the computer system, electronic documents or files of the Users. Likewise, due to the presence of viruses in the services provided by third parties through the Web.
7.2.7.- The loss of business, profits or data that results directly, indirectly, secondary or consequentially from access or use by Users of the Website.
7.3.- The User exempts FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL from any liability that may arise as a result of non-compliance with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, especially but without limitation, the Limitations on the Use of the Website regulated in the themselves.

8.- Generalities

The headings of the different clauses are for information only, and will not affect, qualify or expand the interpretation of the General Conditions. In the event of a discrepancy between what is established in these General Conditions and the particular conditions of each specific service, the provisions of the latter will prevail. In the event that any provision of these General Conditions is considered null or inapplicable, in whole or in part, by any competent Court or administrative body, said nullity or inapplicability will not affect the other provisions of the General Conditions or the conditions particulars of the different services of FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL. The non-exercise or execution by FERROTALL, MÁQUINA-HERRAMIENTA SL of any right or provision contained in these General Conditions will not constitute a waiver thereof, unless recognized and agreed in writing on its part.

9.- Applicable law and jurisdiction

The provision of the Website service and these General Conditions of Use of the Website are governed by Spanish law. To the extent permitted by law, the parties, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply to them, agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Elche.